Okay I know I'm a chick, and chicks are known for being emotional... but sheeesh!
Today I am bummed.
Today I am bummed because:
- I could not get my 4 mile walk done (go back to school kids!!... I love you)
- After contacting at least 15 businesses for donations I didn't get a single yes
- ...
- .....
Just those two things? Really?
Feels like so much more.....
I was truly expecting that to be a much longer list of bum-worthy events.
But it's just two.
Heck, I think I can let that go then.
Not bummed = )
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Countdown - 12 weeks to go

WHAT?????? Wow. Part of me thinks that feels so far away, and another part fears that it is so close. Wow. This week introduces the 12 mile walk. More 12. I am looking forward to the challenge of walking 12 miles, but just need to figure out how, when and with whom. Details, baby.
So here's how last week went:
Tuesday - 3 mile walk
Friday - 5 mile walk
Saturday - 4 mile walk
Sunday - 11 mile walk
Total = 23 miles
On Saturday's walk my knee started hurting around mile 3 ... bad knee =( It may
have been brought on by the stair walking I did at the beach the day before. (Yay

On Sunday I met my friend/teammate Becky for our 11 mile walk. A portion of the route was along the beach, which was super nice. We stopped at the pier for some stretching, snacking and people watching. Since Becky has problems with foot pain, and I was concerned about my knee, we stopped A LOT and did LOTS of stretching.
At a few points during the walk I felt my pain starting (it starts up by my hip), and through stretches, Advil and a trick I learned from Kate I made it through the entire 11 miles pain free! = )
Total - $1,750 yipeeee =)
Got two more donations this week - Yay! Thank you Keith (via Terry) and Dr. Tiegs (she's so awesome and I miss working with her)
I've got to keep plugging away. On Sept. 1st I hope to get another update sent out. I figure it's okay to send them monthly now that the 3-Day is so close.
Sunday was another Walmart day. We made $257. We've made less and less each time we've done this. Hopefully our raffle will go well. Maybe we should ask a grocery store if we can sit out on a Sunday. My weekends are about to get super full with kid's soccer, and I know my grocery store is always PACKED on Sundays... Hmmm...
I'm feeling pretty good right now, about both the training and fundraising. Hopefully everything will keep going this way.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
other walker
Monday, August 23, 2010
Week 13 or bust

Did some nice x-training with workout dvd's. It felt really good. The walking portion of the program suffered a bit this week. I had planned to get in lots of walking prior to the camping trip, but that didn't happen. I did get some hiking in - lots of hills but pretty low miles as far as 3-Day training goes.

Did a walk around this beautiful lake, too. This was at about 4,600 ft.
Total: $1,675 - Yay!
Got my new car magnets. Gave hubby some of my cards since he is enjoying talking with people to get donations for my raffle. Ooooh got the donation from Chivas USA.... FOUR midfield tickets to a game =) Yay! Got a Walmart date this weekend, too.
Thinking of going with a monthly newsletter now that the walk is just over 3 months away. Feeling pretty good about making the minimum, but it will be nice to finally be there.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Late update - Here's 14!

Way late on the update here! Let's see what happened in week 15....
Monday - rest
Tuesday - 3 mile walk
Wednesday - rest the knee
Thursday - 3 mile walk
Friday - 30 min cardio
Saturday - 3 miles
Sunday - 8 miles
Week's total = 17 miles
Official Training total = 161.5 miles!
On Saturday I was hoping to get more miles done in the evening after my travels to the Preview Expo in SD. No luck there. Life took over :) I took it a little easy this week in an attempt to not aggravate my knee.
Total = $1,675 - yipeeee!
Can't wait to get my new car magnets! Need to get moving on getting donations for the raffle (although I did ask a few friends). Trying to get a flyer done but keep getting distracted. Read a blog post about going door to door.. thinking about giving that a shot. I'm feeling okay about funds actually :)
Still waiting for the Chivas USA package!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
The people that you meet
Yesterday I went on an 8 mile Training Walk. I almost didn't go since there was only one other person signed up. Boy am I glad I went. The route was good, incorporating some moderate hills, but the company was better.
The Training Walk Leader (TWL)was Kate, a 24 year old who is training to walk in her 6th 3-Day! Kate's family has a history of early breast cancer (including an uncle), which was her inspiration to walk starting back in high school. She has participated in both the San Diego and the Colorado walks. Given her family history, she is diligent about doing her self breast examinations. Last summer she felt a lump, and was diagnosed with breast cancer.
As a 4 month survivor she feels good, but is not comfortable with the word "survivor". Not enough time under her belt, she thinks.
I was impressed with Kate's positive spirit. Despite losing her twin to a drunk driver while still in high school. Despite the fact that her long-time boyfriend is getting ready to do his SIXTH tour in Iraq. Despite fighting her own battle with breast cancer. Kate was upbeat, strong and so helpful.
The two other walkers (yup two others showed up - 1st time walkers as well) picked Kate's brain on everything from tent decorations to fundraising. She had some great tips and helpful hints. All questions were welcomed and she loved sharing her experiences.
It turns out Kate had had the same knee/ITB pain that I am going through. Her's had been so bad that her doctor wanted to to surgery to release the tendon. Through stretching and icing she was able to relieve the pain. She gave me some great advice to help me get through the walking, and some therapy tips for before and after the walks. Good stuff!
I made it through the 8 miles pain-free, despite my reservations based on the twinges the night before. At the end, Kate asked me to follow her to her house nearby. When we got there she showed me the camelbac she used before her recently purchased fancy model. On our walk I had mentioned thinking I should try one out just to know for sure whether or not I would like using one (I think it will bug me and make me sweat, but you never know 'til you try). She said I could borrow her pack for a few weeks to try it out. We chatted some more and by the time I left she said I could even use it for the event if I wanted "Just as long as I get it back by the end of the year" she said with a smile.
Not bailing out on that training walk turned out to be a benefit to me in so many ways. I was touched by Kate who is so young and has gone through so much, yet remains hopeful for the future. You just never know who you are going to meet and how they will touch your life.
The Training Walk Leader (TWL)was Kate, a 24 year old who is training to walk in her 6th 3-Day! Kate's family has a history of early breast cancer (including an uncle), which was her inspiration to walk starting back in high school. She has participated in both the San Diego and the Colorado walks. Given her family history, she is diligent about doing her self breast examinations. Last summer she felt a lump, and was diagnosed with breast cancer.
As a 4 month survivor she feels good, but is not comfortable with the word "survivor". Not enough time under her belt, she thinks.
I was impressed with Kate's positive spirit. Despite losing her twin to a drunk driver while still in high school. Despite the fact that her long-time boyfriend is getting ready to do his SIXTH tour in Iraq. Despite fighting her own battle with breast cancer. Kate was upbeat, strong and so helpful.
The two other walkers (yup two others showed up - 1st time walkers as well) picked Kate's brain on everything from tent decorations to fundraising. She had some great tips and helpful hints. All questions were welcomed and she loved sharing her experiences.
It turns out Kate had had the same knee/ITB pain that I am going through. Her's had been so bad that her doctor wanted to to surgery to release the tendon. Through stretching and icing she was able to relieve the pain. She gave me some great advice to help me get through the walking, and some therapy tips for before and after the walks. Good stuff!
I made it through the 8 miles pain-free, despite my reservations based on the twinges the night before. At the end, Kate asked me to follow her to her house nearby. When we got there she showed me the camelbac she used before her recently purchased fancy model. On our walk I had mentioned thinking I should try one out just to know for sure whether or not I would like using one (I think it will bug me and make me sweat, but you never know 'til you try). She said I could borrow her pack for a few weeks to try it out. We chatted some more and by the time I left she said I could even use it for the event if I wanted "Just as long as I get it back by the end of the year" she said with a smile.
Not bailing out on that training walk turned out to be a benefit to me in so many ways. I was touched by Kate who is so young and has gone through so much, yet remains hopeful for the future. You just never know who you are going to meet and how they will touch your life.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Preview Expo
On Saturday I went to the San Diego 3-Day for the Cure Preview Expo. I am so glad that I went.

Although I didn't learn a whole lot of new stuff (I've read TONS online), it was great meeting some of the crew and veteran walkers, and getting a glimpse of the excitement to come in November. And I enjoyed getting to know Kim a bit better. Kim and I met through the Share List on the 3-Day website. She is walking in Philly, but doing her training here, where she lives... duh. Kim and I carpooled the 60 miles to the Expo.

There was some interesting spirit wear.

And some inspiration as well.

Luckily I was able to resist purchasing anything more than 4 buttons :)
Although I didn't learn a whole lot of new stuff (I've read TONS online), it was great meeting some of the crew and veteran walkers, and getting a glimpse of the excitement to come in November. And I enjoyed getting to know Kim a bit better. Kim and I met through the Share List on the 3-Day website. She is walking in Philly, but doing her training here, where she lives... duh. Kim and I carpooled the 60 miles to the Expo.
There was some interesting spirit wear.
And some inspiration as well.
Luckily I was able to resist purchasing anything more than 4 buttons :)
Friday, August 13, 2010
Seeing double, double....
....double digits!
Yes folks my walk is now a mere 99 days away!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeek! Just 14 weeks from today I will be walking, walking, walking. Wow.
Can I become a lean mean walking machine by then? (okay forget the lean part, that's just crazy talk) Will I have this knee pain in check? Will I find my other stick of BodyGlide by then? Will I have met my fundraising minimum?
So many questions.
Will I be working by then? Will I have had the time and energy to continue with proper training? Will it be cold at night? How long will the lines be at the showers? How many times will I trip as I make my way to the port a potty in the dark of night?
In less than 100 days I'll have my answers...
Yes folks my walk is now a mere 99 days away!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeek! Just 14 weeks from today I will be walking, walking, walking. Wow.
Can I become a lean mean walking machine by then? (okay forget the lean part, that's just crazy talk) Will I have this knee pain in check? Will I find my other stick of BodyGlide by then? Will I have met my fundraising minimum?
So many questions.
Will I be working by then? Will I have had the time and energy to continue with proper training? Will it be cold at night? How long will the lines be at the showers? How many times will I trip as I make my way to the port a potty in the dark of night?
In less than 100 days I'll have my answers...
Monday, August 9, 2010
Here we go 15!

This Saturday I'll be traveling to La Jolla for the Preview Expo!! I am soooo excited!! I can't wait to check out every single seminar, booth, table, station... whatever! The more info I can gather, the better =) Not sure how I'm supposed to fit in a 10 mile walk on that day, however.
Monday - rest
Tuesday - 3 mile walk
Wednesday - 0
Tuesday - 0
Friday - 2.5 mile walk
Saturday - 5 mile walk
Sunday 10 mile walk!!!!!!!!!
Total this week - 20.5 miles
Total since June 7th - 144.5
Yes you read that right! On Sunday I went on a 10 mile training walk with 6 other local walkers. It was great getting to meet other walkers, most of whom were doing this for the first time (we did have a 5 time veteran walker there, too). We meet at 5:45AM, and set out at 6. There were 4 pit stops (2 Starbucks, McD's and a park), and we got back at 9:45. For the most part I felt really good. My endurance was fine, and my feet were blister free. At around mile 8, though, I got some knee pain on the right. It actually felt as if the pain was starting in my lower back/upper right cheek - but it didn't exactly hurt there. The lateral side of my knee hurt like heck, and it started hurting/pulling on the lateral side of my right foot as well. I finished the last 2 miles, and took some ibuprofen (thanks Becky!). Once I got home (after a trip to Kohl's... well I needed some new sandals) I did some ice therapy. The pain went mostly away for a few hours, then returned. Today it hasn't been bothering me much. I think it's my ITB (had trouble with this on the left when I used to run). Bummed about the pain, but I plan on adding in specific stretches for this area.
Total to date - $1,650 ... up $40 YAY!
My newsletter went out to all of my FB friends last week. From this I received a $40 donation - the second donation made by one of hubby's cousins! At first I wondered if they had forgotten they had already donated. When I looked at the Honor Roll scroll I saw they had written "Just a little more for the cause". How sweet!!
After many days of playing phone tag with Jessica from Chivas USA, we finally got in touch. On Friday she sent out a package with some Chivas stuff for me to add to my raffle next month. I don't know what she sent, so I am anxiously awaiting it's arrival. This week I need to get moving on asking for more raffle donations. Oh, hubby got me a free meal from Denny's to add to the raffle, and the manager (Hi Fernando) said I could put up a flyer at the cash register. Thanks hubby :)
I also need to get my newsletter into PDF so I can email it out to non-FB people. Gotta get about a dozen into snail mail too.

Monday, August 2, 2010
Sweet 16

Wow 8 weeks of training has gone by already. All geared up for week 16 in the countdown.... including a 10 mile walk on Sunday!
Update on week 17
It was a rough week. I was exhausted and busy.
Monday - rest
Tuesday - 3 mile walk
Wednesday - 15 min cross training
Thursday - 4.5 mile walk
Friday - 30 min cross training (scrubbing walls...don't laugh until you do it!)
Saturday - party day, no training done
Sunday - 5 mile walk
Total for last two months - 125.6!
Total - $1,610 and holding
I started the "A Cure takes Change" FB challenge yesterday. Don't know if anyone is going to participate. We shall see. Got my newest newsletter done yesterday so I will get that out today. Still working on stuff for the raffle next month.
Saturday I was sitting in Laser Quest where my son was having his bday party. All the kids were playing laser tag and it was quiet. On a whim I decided to ask if the company does donations. The guy I spoke with said his aunt does the 3-Day walk and he went to the office right away and gave me 4 free passes to add to my raffle. Yay!
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