Today, September 30, may be our biggest event ever, as we ask people from around the globe to make a promise to take action against breast cancer — all through social media. This global effort starts with you, posting to your Facebook profile or Twitter and then asking your friends to do the same. We’ve made it easy for you to do.
How does it work? From midnight (EDT) September 30 to midnight October 1, we are kicking off Breast... Cancer Awareness Month by asking Facebook/Twitter users and bloggers to visit www.69-seconds.org. On that page, you can take action and update your status using the hashtag #fightbreastcancer.
What is a “hashtag”? Hashtags allow you to quickly identify special topics, and help spread information while organizing and making it searchable within social media.
Why 69 seconds? Because that’s how often a woman dies of breast cancer somewhere in the world. A statistic we’re trying to change. It’s also about how long it takes to #fightbreastcancer by choosing to drive change, share support or educate at www.69-seconds.org.
What’s the goal? We hope to mobilize millions to take 69 seconds to #fightbreastcancer AND break the Guinness World Record for Most Widespread Social Network Message in 24 Hours.
How can you join the fight?
1. Visit www.69-seconds.org and take action!
2. From the website, change your Facebook and/or Twitter status to one of the following:
• Every 69 seconds, a woman dies of breast cancer somewhere in the world. #fightbreastcancer at http://69-seconds.org/.
• Today is not about raising funds. It’s about raising virtual voices around the world to take action in 69 seconds or less. Visit http://69-seconds.org/, post #fightbreastcancer to Facebook and Twitter or blog about it before midnight and help turn the virtual world pink. How do you promise to #fightbreastcancer?
3. Use #fightbreastcancer in your statuses pertaining to breast cancer, Susan G. Komen for the Cure® or Breast Cancer Awareness Month several times during the day!
4. And lastly, make your Facebook posts public for the day. Facebook recently overhauled their privacy controls for personal profiles which could potentially compromise our Guinness World Record. In order to be considered eligible for our attempt, your statuses must be open to the public. Here are instructions to help you make your statuses public:
• In Facebook, click on “Account” in the top right corner
• Scroll and select “Privacy Settings” in the drop down menu
• Under “Sharing on Facebook,” select “Customize Settings”
• Under “Things I Share,” select the drop down menu next to “Posts by me”
• Select “Everyone”
• Your status updates are now public
• After midnight (EDT) October 1st, please be sure to change your privacy settings back to where you had them as we don’t want to compromise your privacy.
It costs nothing and takes just a minute of your time – or maybe 69 seconds. So blog about it, post it, tweet it, retweet it, use it in all your statuses and urge everyone you know to do the same.