It's always a gamble whether or not I'll be able to do an evening walk. Life just seems to get in the way, ya know? I did manage to get 3.5 miles in, however. Blech.
Week 18 Update:
Monday - 30 minutes weights
Tuesday - 3 mile walk
Wednesday - 90 minutes of walking and tossing during an 18 hole game of frisbee golf
Thursday - 3 mile walk
Friday - off
Saturday - 7 mile walk - YAY!
Sunday - 3.5 mile walk
My 7 mile walk was great. I felt really good, and got to check out a trail I'd been coveting for the past few weeks. A non-3Day walkin' friend went with me, and it was wonderful having the company. Near the very end of the walk (the second half was all downhill) my right knee started hurting. That's not the one that usually hurts with downhill walking. Sigh. I'm hoping it's just because I forgot to stretch at the halway point. FORGOT TO STRETCH! =( Oooops! On a positive note, our walk inspired my friend to take longer, faster walks without her doggies - good for her!
Total to date - $1,610 .......... look familiar? sigh..
Did a Walmart "canning" event on Sunday. Sitting outside the store from 10-3 brought in $356.. slightly less than the $426 we made last month. This is being kept until closer to the end, and distributed as needed.
I'm starting to get nervous about the $2,300. Hoping to get a newsletter out this week. "Change for a cure" starting August 1st along with a FB challenge. I'm trying to work out another fundraising event to be done at our local AYSO picture day in September. We have been involved with our Region for about 9 years,and know some of the board members. Plus hubby's been a coach for about 6 of those years. I'm hoping to get some cool stuff we can raffle off... Galaxy game tickets, a cool soccer ball, some free training... we'll see!

Hey, I my best friend and I just did a benefit to raise some money. It was in the middle of a heatwave so we did not get the attendance we were hoping for but we did raise about $1400 for the 2 of us (DC Walk). Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I just started calling everywhere and anywhere and telling them I was looking for raffle gifts for a breast cancer benefit for the walk I was doing and people gave a lot. It is intimidating to get on the phone and ask, but once I started it got easier and easier and lots and lots of people gave us passes to museums, bowling, free appetizers, haircuts, spa time, people who make jewelry gave us some pretty pieces, McDonald's gave us free smoothie certificates - over 100, enough to give everyone who came through the door (I don't think we gave them to kids)...so not sure what venue you are doing for your raffle, but call everyone. Most places won't make a monetary donation but are happy to give you passes, a gift basket, etc. from their business. Good Luck!
ReplyDeleteThanks for that great advice! It's good to hear that you got such a great response, even over the phone. I had been feeling that I should walk into every place and that was overwhelming. I'm going to broaden my scope on the types of businesses as well.