Wednesday, September 29, 2010



On September 19th I officially made it to my fundraising minimum!!!
A very generous donation from my friend Terry and his company ( ) put me over the $2,300 mark. Terry has been an amazing supporter through his own donations, and in his efforts to help me spread the word to his friends and family. THANK YOU!!

When I got the email congratulating me on making my minimum I just sat there in tears. I couldn't help it! I was so overwhelmed with feelings of both relief and utter gratitude. I am so blessed to have such amazing, generous and supportive people surrounding me.

On another note, my knee sucks. After such great success on my 14 mile walk, I had high hopes for my knee. Extreme, out of season, heat has put a bit of a damper on my training. Last weekend I had mapped out a 14 mile route that would enable me to get in my miles while walking to, from and between my kid's soccer games. It was toooo dang hot =( Instead I walked almost 7 miles the next morning before the weather got out of control. My knee hurt before I got home. Maybe it was all the uphill walking, maybe I hadn't been stretching it enough during the week. Maybe the fancy strap doohickey that I bought really doesn't work as well as my homemade ace bandage/folded up napkin contraption. I'm not sure, but I REALLY need to figure this out. Darn you ITB syndrome and you pesky lateral epicondyle!!

Donations to date - $2,470
Miles to date - 243!

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