Monday, February 1, 2010

Making it real

This weekend my friend, B, and I went to the "Getting Started" meeting to learn even more about this 3Day adventure. Neither of us had registered yet, and were hoping to hear something that would ease our fundraising worries. We both left the meeting totally excited and eager to get started!

We are both going to have to step out of our comfort zones on this one! B will do great on the fitness part (she'll have to carry me to the sweeper a few times, no doubt!), but we will both have to make some changes in order to get the fundraising done. Our new motto is "It can't hurt to ask!"

I've been wearing my pink on pink plastic SGK ring since Saturday. Today I had my first question about it... a teller at the bank. I told her all about what I'll be doing and she was very excited. She said she would love to donate :) Tomorrow I'll be printing out the business cards from the website... buying the pink paper tonight!

I am so exited about this whole thing! I have been jotting down every fundraising idea that pops into my head. Some aren't even full thoughts, just a list of people/places who might be able to help.

I have to give a HUGE THANKYOU to my friend B, who is brave enough to embark on this journey with me!! I couldn't do it without her :)

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