Monday, August 2, 2010

Sweet 16

Wow 8 weeks of training has gone by already. All geared up for week 16 in the countdown.... including a 10 mile walk on Sunday!

Update on week 17

It was a rough week. I was exhausted and busy.

Monday - rest
Tuesday - 3 mile walk
Wednesday - 15 min cross training
Thursday - 4.5 mile walk
Friday - 30 min cross training (scrubbing walls...don't laugh until you do it!)
Saturday - party day, no training done
Sunday - 5 mile walk

Total for last two months - 125.6!


Total - $1,610 and holding

I started the "A Cure takes Change" FB challenge yesterday. Don't know if anyone is going to participate. We shall see. Got my newest newsletter done yesterday so I will get that out today. Still working on stuff for the raffle next month.

Saturday I was sitting in Laser Quest where my son was having his bday party. All the kids were playing laser tag and it was quiet. On a whim I decided to ask if the company does donations. The guy I spoke with said his aunt does the 3-Day walk and he went to the office right away and gave me 4 free passes to add to my raffle. Yay!

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