Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The sky is falling!

This morning it was raining. Well, more like heavily misting : ) I don't have anything that's waterproof - other than an umbrella - so I decided to skip the walk today.

"Giving up so easily after just two days??" you ask. No no no! Part of my goal (which will help immensely with the 3day walk) is to lose weight and get more fit. To that end, I decided to
try my new "My Fitness Coach" Wii workout.

I took the new stair stepper out of the box, and did my fitness test. The test wore me out! I thought about skipping the actual workout, but I did it anyway. It! Kicked! My! Ass!

Back to walking tomorrow. Gonna try 2 mile-ish route #3. (I have 4 routes mapped out, I'm lovin' !)

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